Serving in ministry is one of the best ways to show your love for Christ.  In fact, by volunteering to serve,
you are demonstrating the ministry of Jesus, who is the ultimate model of servanthood.  
God has given each of us very special gifts and He wants those gifts to be used to spread His message and serve His people.  
We consider the opportunity to serve a tremendous privilege. Below is a full list of the ministries at Fairfield.

Click On A Ministries Category Tile


The Education Ministries of Fairfield invites all members into a deeper faith by engaging their spirituality through intellectual and creative teaching and biblical materials.
Micheal Benton Academic Excellence Program - The Micheal Benton Academic Excellence Program (A.E.P.) is a church-wide service designed to recognize the achievements of members who excel in their school studies from Kindergarten through post-secondary education.

FBC Institute of Biblical Studies

R.E.E.T. - Reaching Educational Excellence through Tutoring (R.E.E.T.) provides free homework assistance and tutorial in the areas of Science, Mathematics, Social Science, Language Arts. We also provide test preparation workshops and seminars. R.E.E.T. is available to members of our local community as well.

Sunday School -

Toastmasters - The Toastmasters Club provides a mutually supportive and positive learning environment in which every member has the opportunity to develop and practice communication and leadership skills, which in turn foster self-confidence and personal growth. Toastmasters is an opportunity for Fairfield’s leaders to comfortably learn and apply communication and leadership skills needed to effectively manage the responsibilities of individual ministries. Further, this training is also available to other church and community members as a strengthening arm for application at home, church, community and/or job.


Kingdom Men -  is designed to develop, inspire, cultivate, and encourage men of all ages. The ministry utilizes their spiritual gifts to support Christian brethren, in specific areas of need to edify their family, church and community. The Kingdom Men of Fairfield take pride in their roles as husbands, fathers, brothers and leaders in our community. These men come together united in Christ to fellowship, pray, assist one another, and others during periods of distress.

Marriage Ministry - Marriage ministry is establish to celebrate, encourage, and strengthen marriages through quarterly sessions that focus on keeping Christ first with prayer and communication to maintain a faithful Commitment; healthy families, fun, and fellowship with other Couples; and finding ways to better support the Church and the Community.

R3 (Real, Righteous, Redeemed) Young Adult Ministry - R3 Youth Adult ministry provides a place for young adults to fellowship and spread the love of Jesus Christ. Our mission is to help other young adults live a lifestyle pleasing to Him as well as bridge the gap between youth and adulthood. R3 is open to young adults ages 25-35.

Seasoned Saints Ministry - The mission of the Season Saints Ministry is to provide a working resource that addresses the spiritual, physical, and social needs of Saints sixty (60) years and older.

W.In.G.S. Ministry - The Women's ministry is open to each woman who joins Fairfield is automatically a member of Women In God’s Service (W.In. G.S.) ministry. Using a holistic model that recognizes that women are spiritual, emotional, intellectual and physical beings, it is designed to help meet many of our needs. The focus is on the individual woman and how we must take time to address our needs and develop ourselves to be all that we can be in order to please God and serve mankind.


The Media and Creative Arts Ministry at Fairfield is vital to our success. Every week, the Fairfield team creates and produces media for every age group and audience imaginable. We’re looking for talented, hard-working, proactive volunteers who are into audio, video  lighting, production, photography, social media, graphic design bookstore operations, and more!
Graphic Design

Social Media
Yoke Bookstore


MOM2  -  supports the young ladies and young women of the church from youth to age 35. We are here to lend an ear, help the need and support the age group that is being overlooked to help bridge the gap.

Maudie Norman Mission Ministry - The Maudie Norman Mission Ministry seeks opportunities to help and serve others through prayer, kindness, love and gentleness. The Mission Ministry maintains a food and clothing closet that is available to our members and community.


The Deacon Ministry - The Deacon Ministry is ordained to assist the Pastor in providing for the spiritual and physical needs of our church family and community. The ministry is responsible for training the members of the Church in a nurturing and encouraging way and show by example the virtues of Christian leadership. Guided by the Holy Spirit, the Deacons and Deaconesses take care of the business of the church.

The Deaconess Ministry - The Deaconess Ministry assists the Pastor in providing for the spiritual and physical needs of our church family and community. This ministry is responsible for training the members of the Church in a nurturing and encouraging way and for showing by example the virtues of Christian leadership. Guided by the Holy Spirit, the Deaconesses assists the Deacons with taking care of the business of the church.

The Mother's Ministry - The Mother’s Ministry mission is to win souls and build up the body of Christ, by providing for the spiritual and physical needs of the women of Fairfield Baptist Church. A body where the spiritually mature women teach the women in the church in a nurturing, encouraging way and show by example the virtues of a godly woman. Titus 2:4. The Mother’s Ministry strives to support the church through: praying for the women of the church and community, providing counsel to women with a mother’s love approach, provide leadership in the working with young girls, present the “Plan of Salvation”, and study the Word of God with young girls and women

Trustee Ministry - The Trustee Ministry ministers to the church and the congregation through a service-oriented administration. At all times they maintain and care for the properties and facilities of Fairfield Baptist Church with impeccable character and honesty. The Trustees present Fairfield as a place where all of God’s people can come and fellowship together. They make it as comfortable as possible for the awaiting congregation to hear the preached Word of God and enjoy church-sponsored events and activities.


Beautification Ministry - Beautification ministry improves the appearance of the church campus. Beautification ministry maintains the plants and floral arrangements throughout the church. Beautification also decorates the campus for Christmas and other special events.

First Impressions Ministry - Our First Impressions Ministry serves on the front line at worship services and special events. They share warmth with our members and guests to create an environment conducive to – meeting the spiritual, mental, physical and social needs of members and guests leading to the path of wholeness. First Impressions receives our new members and plans the new member welcome.

Medical Ministry -  Our Medical Ministry is here to assist with medical needs that may arise during worship services or special events. Our team serves as the first line of defense in assessing medical situations and providing immediate care. Our team of medical professionals and volunteers provides education, resources, and support to encourage physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. From health screenings and first aid during church events to hosting wellness workshops, we are here to serve and care for you.

Parking Ministry - Our Parking Ministry serve as our first “greeters” and are responsible for ensuring order as people come onto the campus and ensure an orderly exit of worshippers at the end of services and events. The members of this ministry assist people with disabilities, the elderly and maintain the parking lot so that it is free from trash. This ministry is in charge of keeping the flow of traffic on target, help during inclement weather and making sure our senior members, special guest and the congregation are safely in the buildings

Security Ministry - Security Ministry serves to protect the property, leadership, and congregation.

Shepherd's Support Ministry - Shepherd's Support Ministry provides support to the Pastor, and First Family. Shepherd's Support ensures the pulpit is set with water, juice and mints for each worship service. We support the Pastor when he goes out to minister to other churches. We welcome and serve guest ministers who are ministering at Fairfield during Sunday services, revivals or other special services.

Ushers' Ministry - The Ushers’ Ministry serves as the doorkeepers for the Lord. We are entrusted with keeping of the Holy Temple. We serve our church with a pure heart, clean hands, and a smile that exudes a warm welcome into the house of the Lord.

Veterans and Supporters Ministry - To bring awareness to the church and community on the needs of our veterans. The purpose of the ministry is to serve as support to active soldiers, veterans, retired veterans and their families.


The Associate Ministers - The Associate Ministers proclaim the faithfulness of God. They are devoted to God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Pastor and the Church. They develop themselves spiritually through a deeper prayer life, increased Bible study, and a celebration of worship. They are dedicated to extending God’s Love, God’s Healing Power, and God’s Counsel so that people may find acceptance, hope, and faith in Jesus Christ our Lord. The Associate Ministers serve the local church with a global assignment towards advancing the Kingdom of God.

The Prayer Ministry - The Prayer Ministry serves to be a bridge through intercession for the church, going alongside with each person, reinforcing his or her faith through the Word of God to achieve healing – Matthew 9:29


The Fairfield Worship and Arts Ministry consist of multiple components but all serving under one vision.
Praise Team
Male Chorus
Voices of Fairfield
G.L.A.D. Dance Ministry


NXTGEN Youth Ushers
NXTGEN Production Crew
Boy Scouts
Cub Scouts
Girl Scouts