Jesus cares for the most vulnerable. Let’s follow him.

Millions of children around the world live in extreme poverty, unable to access even the most basic of needs.
As the hands and feet of Jesus, we’re called to do something about it.

Compassion works to end child poverty by connecting children in need with local churches who care for them by fighting malnutrition, offering medical care and more.  And most importantly, these churches share the hope of the gospel, which changes everything.

With these needs met, children can go from simply surviving to thriving — mind, body and soul. You can join us in delivering hope to the most vulnerable through child sponsorship. Together, we can end poverty and build God’s kingdom, one child at a time.
Compassion International is a Christian organization dedicated to ending child poverty by partnering with local churches to provide children with essential resources such as food, medical care, education, and spiritual guidance. Their mission is to release children from poverty in Jesus' name, focusing on holistic child development through sponsorship programs that support physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Pastor Vickers' visit to Ghana

Compassion Visit to Ghana

In December 2023, Pastor Vickers traveled to Ghana with Compassion International. During this trip, he engaged with local communities, witnessing firsthand the impactful work being done to alleviate child poverty. Pastor Vickers' visit helped strengthen partnerships with local churches, emphasizing the importance of holistic child development and the transformative power of faith-based initiatives. As Fairfield strives to become a Whole People, taking the Whole Gospel to the Whole World.